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Track & Field
  Personal Information

Gender: Male

  Education Information

Grade: 12th Grade (Fall of 2024)

NCAA ID: 2204521217

  Family Information

Parent/Guardian: Tonya Newton

  Mindset Traits
Knight Protective Athlete Type
Andon's Top Mental Traits
Openess to trying new things or methods
Motivational Drive
Intrinsic desire to win and/or achieve success
Demonstrates self-confidence & assertiveness
Results from TAP Assessment taken March 23, 2023
  Athlete Bio

Visit www.4jhoops.com for more information about me as a Student First Athlete.

I am a hard worker, a team player, and a leader on and off the court. I am a tenacious defender, ball handler, and great shooter willing to go the extra mile to improve. I am a team captain and love the team philosophy, team camaraderie, and establishing the core value of accountability in teams. I want to play basketball at the collegiate level because I would have the privilege to continue doing things I love, playing basketball, learning new things, and experiencing life in many ways. I want to further my education by using my God-given talents to pay for college so I can learn a career pathway that can improve the quality of life for myself and others. Through playing sports in college, I can continue to build my character, develop my leadership skills, learn new things, compete, as well as set and reach lifelong and short-term goals within a basketball program and educational system that has proven to support student-athletes navigating this world full of knowns and unknowns in ways that can positively impact the journey to adulting. I hope to teach and share with others everything I have learned in hopes that they can be great, successful, and competitive as they pursue their dreams, just like I am trying to do with my efforts.